Production Blog

 I decided not to include so much sports. I realized that as i was doing it that i didnt talk much about the student side of me. I also want to go more in detail about how i would want to go to space. the audio also came out way too loud. so to counter that i had to sort of do a redo. basically i decided to restart this project from scratch. its going to mention sports since it does have a big role on my life. but student comes before athlete. if i can im going to find a student athlete photo. if possible i would also switch to multiple locations starting at school. then sort of transition over into a football field. after that a place where alot of stars can be seen. if all fails i would have to ask for help. i am currently experimenting with capcut. i find it easy to use and has almost everything. it even has its own templates. knowing this most likely capcut will be my editing software. i also might switch to a different phone. i managed to crack a bit of my phone which is making it hard. im not sure if this was the cause of the audio too though. at a later date i will see and experiment with different cameras. 


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