

 So for what we’re doing there in no speaking however, there is actions. 

-Character One, character is deaf and blissfully unaware. 

-Character Two, character is not deaf and preying on character one. 

 - Scene One- 

*At C1 house*


*character one is pouring a glass of water, they seem happy and calm. character one then goes to sit down at desk while simultaneously opening laptop/any electronic, we then get to see C1 sitting down and this is the first time we see their face*

-Scene Two- 

*Still at C1 house*


*we see C2 in the background, then we hear our first sounds, the heavy breathing of C2. their breath is shaky and feels rough, during this we’re also hearing intense music* 

during this point we are switching back and forth between the comfort the silence within in C1 and the discomfort with C2 

-Scene Three- 

C2 makes a move and grabs a near by weapon we see them go to strike however, we never see the strike itself. 

-Scene Four- 

We see C1 on the ground blood

-End Scene- 


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